Raymond Posch

Wayshower of new ways of being
Telepathic channel of the Council
Spiritual podcaster & voice for love


Raymond Posch photo by sumac shrubs

My Big Awakening Story (Told Briefly)

Raymond Posch photo by sumac shrubs

You Get More of Who You Are, Not What You Want

~ The Council


You Have the Power to Create Heaven on Earth Within You!

~ The Council

It came to a point a few months later when God, in partnership with the Council, asked me to work with them to learn to become a master of my own life, based heavily on teachings from the Council, and create a course to teach what I had learned to others. And of course I said yes because it was such an incredible opportunity.

The Council speaks frequently about energy and consciousness – because those things are fundamental to the way the universe works – so my learning program and the course focused on them. I completed my learning program and became a master of my life while, at the same time, I was steadily creating the course. It involved my full awakening to the truth that I am part of the Divine.

The experience was amazing and profound, and the course is also amazing, primarily because of my Divine partners. The course takes the teachings of the Council from the book to a deeper and more detailed level, and in it, I speak from a very human point of view.

The resulting, life-expanding audio learning program is now available to all who want to become masters. It is called Become a Master of Life: How to Know and Use God Energy.

Please know that if I can become a master, anyone can. I was chosen as a typical person struggling to fully awaken. You can learn what I have learned through this course – if you are ready and willing – and it will be easier for you than it was for me!

High-Energy Crystal Pendants

One of the biggest things that contributed to my discovering how to communicate with God and other spiritual beings was that I started wearing crystal pendants. I happened to pick a golden mica pendant, and I subsequently learned that it is indeed very high-energy. (I'm wearing the pendant in the photo to the left.) When I also learned how to measure my subtle energy/vibration level, then I was able to determine that the large mica pendant was boosting my energy by about 70,000 vibrations per second (vps). Then I started wearing an additional pendant with a large selenite crystal, which is also very high-energy, and the two pendants were then boosting my energy by approximately 120,000 vps.

There are other ways to boost you vibrational frequency. One way is to shift into a state of unconditional love, and for me that raised my energy to approximately 20,000 vps. Other ways involve tapping into quantum energy and can raise your energy even higher. But those ways are usually not high enough to ensure you will be able to communicate with spiritual beings. When I became able to converse with God, I was told that because of EMF radiation in the atmosphere, we need to raise our energy to at least 100,000 vps to converse reliably with spiritual beings.

In the Become a Master of Life course, I talk about ways of raising your energy to at least 100,000 vps. You can do it with two high-energy pendants (having large golden mica, selenite, or herkimer diamond crystals). Or you can do it with one high-energy pendant combined with using direct energy induction in a manner that raises your base energy to a high-level and locks it in.

Because I love crystals and pendants, I have learned to make crystal pendants myself and am offering them for sale in my website store. Starting with at least one high-energy crystal is an easy way to jump start your raising your energy frequency to a high level. Check them out!

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