4 Keys to Manifesting

I know that many people are very interested in learning more about manifesting. The reason, of course, is that everyone wants more abundance, especially more money, to come into their lives. I am no exception.

There are many factors to manifesting successfully and reliably. In my new book, Awakening to Wholeness, which I will release as an ebook soon, I talk about manifesting in some detail. But here in this post let me me just mention four key factors that are quite important: 1) the strength and focus of your thoughts, 2) your beliefs, 3) the quality of your connection to the Universe, and 4) the actions you take.

Manifesting is powered by your thoughts and emotions. The first factor in manifesting easily is that you must be very clear about what you want; you must be able to focus on that goal and hold it as an intention; you must have a strong desire to achieve your goal; and you must feel the emotions now that you will have when you achieve your goal.

Your beliefs are a huge factor in manifesting. I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but it is absolutely true. If you believe unconsciously that money is bad, you will subconsciously tell the Universe that you really don’t want to manifest money even though in your conscious thoughts you are saying you do. If you believe that money is scarce, money will not come easily. If you believe you are not worthy, you will block yourself from receiving what you want. And consciously or subconsciously, you must find your negative or limiting beliefs and change them.

The Universe (or God if you prefer) is pure consciousness.  You communicate and interact with the Universe through your consciousness, primarily your thoughts and beliefs. The “quality of your connection to the Universe” is based on your conceptual model of the Universe and how it works – for example, whether you think (believe) that the Universe is abundant, loving, and caring; whether you trust the Universe completely and implicitly to respond to your desires and intentions or instead believe that God is judgmental and unpredictable; whether you really have free will; and so on.

And lastly, manifesting depends on you being so committed to your intention that you take appropriate actions to move you in the right direction towards your end goal. You can trust the Universe to deal with many of the details of manifesting, but – completely contrary to the notion that many people have that they can just think their goal into existence – in the physical realm that we live in action is required! Creating a book requires you to write, although you can be guided on what to say by inspiration. Winning the lottery requires you to buy a ticket, although you can be guided by inspiration as to what, where, and when. Finding a great job requires you to do certain things to get the interview, qualify, stand out, and get the offer, but you can be guided by inspiration throughout the whole process.

Without a doubt, manifesting can produce miracles of all sorts (involving money, health, events, things, relationships, jobs – you name it)! It is absolutely powerful and magical, and it depends on you partnering with an Infinite Intelligence. But manifesting is not blind and simple magic. You must come to have an understanding of how it works, and you must master the four key factors I outlined. (In the not too distant future, I will be offering coaching and other resources to help you through the process.)

May you manifest your dreams!

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