Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her. –Lao Tzu
Confidence is belief in yourself and your ability. Your confidence may be strong about some things but weak about others. Confidence grows with preparation and practice.
For those aspects of your life that are very important to you, such as your job, you need to be confident in your abilities and maintain that confidence over time. If it involves something new for you, you need to be confident in your ability to learn to do that thing well.
The best way to build confidence is to think about the successes you have had – similar things you have done well. Remember what it felt like, in your body and emotionally. Feel your confidence from those successes and let the feelings of success fill your mind and body. You can anchor those feelings by feeling them strongly and then making a fist and saying “yes” powerfully. Do this now so that you can quickly recall the feeling later when you need a boost in confidence.
If you are struggling to remember successes, then imagine something happening which builds on your natural talents and strengths. Imagine what it would feel like to have something go spectacularly well. Build that up in your mind. Make it vivid and something that you really want to happen. Feel it in your body and feel the emotions of joyful winning. Then anchor and reinforce those feelings by feeling them strongly, making a fist. and saying “yes” with full confidence.
At any time when things aren’t going great for you and you feel disempowered and lacking in confidence, recall the images and feelings of remembered (or imagined) success, and let them fill you with joy and confidence. Then say “yes” to yourself and choose to feel unlimited confidence. Know that you are confident, adaptive, and capable of successfully doing what is needed.
Be confident in yourself as a person and in your abilities. Feel your confidence strongly. Let that confidence show through in how you talk about the subject and in how you move and interact with others. Confidence is a natural part of charisma.
(Note that there are also audio products that you can listen to and get a confidence boost. I listen to and recommend hypnosis/subliminal audios by Steve G. Jones and Contact me and I can let you know exactly which products I use since they have numerous ones to choose from.)