Picking up from my post “Looking up from rock bottom”…
Even before I started my new job (back in 2008), I continued my exploration of mindset-related thinking based on spiritual teachings, success principles, and other sources. There is a huge amount of accumulated evidence that we attract to ourselves what we think about most of the time, and that is what the universal principle called “the law of attraction”. Mike Dooley refers to it as “thoughts become things”.
Now a very unusual spiritual event happened to me in this time frame. I go for a walk with my dogs almost every morning before I go to work, and I developed the ability to meditate in an alpha state while walking. During the walk, I usually contemplate a spiritual teaching or something else that is on my mind.
One day during my walk, while I was contemplating the concept of conscious choice-making (mentioned by Deepak Chopra in his book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”), it came to me in a moment of inspiration to develop “seven spiritual choices for success”. Up until that point, I had been stuck on the question of how to apply conscious choice-making. I quickly saw that seven spiritual choices must be an answer to that question.
So I proceeded to think about seven spiritual choices. I knew immediately that Awareness and Love are spiritual choices, and I began exploring what the other five would be. And, again by inspiration, the choice of Life came to my mind as being very important. By “choices”, I mean spiritual intentions. And I had never thought about life as being a choice or intention. But I soon realized that Life is the very context for existence and all creation and all success, so it must be the first spiritual choice. And over the next few days, all seven choices came to me and the understanding of them steadily grew in my mind.
The Seven Spiritual Choices are: Life, Awareness, Freedom, Love, Expression & Creation, Knowing, and Wholeness. I began the practice of contemplating these intentions first during my morning walks, and then holding them as intentions during the day as they came to mind.
As time went on, I realized that even though the seven choices were spiritual at a deep level, they were also totally practical and applicable to everyday life. And I realized that my life was changing in very positive ways… (more in the next post)…