This was my talking outline for the Our Spiritual Life episode S3E4 with the above title. The episode is a follow-on to the previous S3E3 episode and goes into more detail about how love is our way to change our lives, and potentially the world in the long run, in very good ways. It specifically talks about how to overcome ego and how to awaken.
Lessons Learned Continued – Love Is Our Way
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In the last episode, I talked about the key understandings I have learned from all of my spiritual explorations and studies, especially from spiritual teachers like Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, Deepak Chopra, and enlightened beings like Jesus (via A Course of Love and the Christ Letters).
The four critical words that we must know is that Love Is Our Way. And each of those words is important.
So in this episode, I will focus on: (Review at the high level, and then come back to discuss in more detail.)
- The “Love is Our Way” message. Understanding this, and using that understanding to live and create our lives, tells us how we can create better lives and a better world.
- Love… is the force that holds the universe together. It is connective, integrative, caring, healing, creative, transformative, and wholistic. It is Life unfolding from pure potentiality in each moment. It is the whole of life expressing in every individual in an expansive, unified, yet personal way.
- Is… Love is. Love is real. It is not conditional. It is Universal Consciousness (God) reaching out to all of its expressions, to all individual beings. It is always available to us. We receive it and expand with it by choosing love, turning away from fear, and allowing love to flow through us. It grows within us when we choose to share it with others, and it is strongest when it is selfless and unconditional.
- Our… We are part of the whole of Consciousness, the whole of Life, and we must get out of the mode of being self-centered, isolated, and limited. We must get into the mode of being one with the Oneness of all Beings and serving the whole, not just ourself. We must begin to expand our consciousness to know the Whole, the One.
- Remember, the universe is one whole. It is a conscious, living, creative universe, and we are part it. If you refer to the core universal consciousness as God, we – each and every one of us – is part of God. Therefore, we are spiritual beings, divine beings, infinite beings even though we are having human experiences in the physical realm. Most people do not realize this truth because they put all of their attention on the outer world. They must learn to know their inner world, their inner self, if they want better lives and a better world.
- Way… Love is a process of continuous Life. Life is a process of experience, growth, and personal and collective evolution. Love is our way of growing as individuals. Love is our way of experiencing Life as a Whole as well as an individual. Love is our way to participate in creating a new and better world. Love (God, the one consciousness) wants us to join in creating Heaven on Earth, and we begin by choosing love instead of fear. Love is our potential. Fear is our habit of allowing ego to control us.
- What “love” is and what it means to embody love instead of letting ego (the mind of fear and separation) run you.
- The inherent unity of the universe can and should be called LOVE because it is a process of love – God expressing in individualized forms in order to experience life and loving all of life because all beings and all parts of the universe are God itself. We are part of the whole and never separate from it except in the limitations of our own minds. Love is the power and purpose of universal wholeness.
- Love is also the process of Life unfolding. It unfolds in individuals AND the whole of life simultaneously. Individual forms/beings are part of the whole even when they think in a totally selfish way. But it is much more powerful to participate in Life unfolding by being one with it, unselfishly, and seeking to serve and nourish the whole (Self) as well as the self.
- Love is the process of creation that is taking place as Life. Life and Love are abundant and creative, always seeking expansion and growth.
- To embody love means more than just thinking thoughts of love, and being kind and compassionate. It means to join as fully as possible in the process of unity, Life, creation, and serving the whole.
- Love is said to be the opposite of fear. That is at the levels of emotion, thought, and action. But love is like light. Light is the presence of light; and darkness is the absence of light. Love is the presence of love, and it is always present throughout the universe; and fear is the absence of love. Fear, in reality, can exist only in your mind and body.
- You must learn to recognize fear (and all of its related emotions – hurt, anger, conflict, division, violence, etc.) in yourself, and then instead choose love (and all of its related emotions – respect, kindness, caring, forgiveness, compassion, etc.) instead. Embodying love means choosing to be the active expression of love in mind, body, and soul. When you embody love and make love a habit most of the time, ego will begin to fade away as part of your being.
- Techniques to awaken, that is, how beings/people can achieve enlightenment (or awakening) which is about becoming more conscious or learning to operate at higher levels of consciousness. I will include Deepak Chopra’s 12 milestones of enlightenment.
- So I just talked about the first and most fundamental technique of overcoming ego which moves you toward awakening. Notice what you are noticing within yourself, and then choosing love instead of fear.
- A very basic technique for awakening is to learn to be more aware by putting your attention on what you are experiencing in the present moment. You can become aware of your breathing or your inner body. Then, when you become fully present (ie., aware), hold the intention to awaken NOW. Not some time in the future, but right now. And intend to be awake most of the time.
- Now I would like to read and discuss Deepak Chopra’s article on 12 milestones of enlightenment and how you can become more enlightened by regularly reviewing and working on making progress towards each milestone. The milestones are:
- Shift in the sense of self
- Emotional changes
- Changes in thought
- Shift in perception
- Shift in memory
- Insight
- Intuition
- Vision
- Creativity
- Flow
- Bliss
- Fear of death
- The importance of making a commitment to live in alignment with the true nature of the universe versus what you have been taught or conditioned to believe based on religion or on the illusion that comes from misunderstanding the nature of universe and self. Once you begin to understand that consciousness (rather than matter) is primary and that we are spiritual beings who can use consciousness in powerful ways, we can begin to live true to the real nature of the universe, the world, and life itself.
- The universe is designed to serve you through Love, Oneness, Wholeness, Life, and Continuous Creation. You can express that in very religious terms if you like, but you don’t need to. God is continuously unfolding the universe, and He/She/It desires to maintain wholeness and serve every individual being within itself (like cells within a body) for the good of the individual and the good of the whole. God wants to experience you experiencing a life you love. That is the nature of Love.
- You have the power to co-create by putting your attention and thoughts on what you would love to do/have/experience, and of course, you must always want what is good for the whole. You must be of service to others who are divine beings just like you.
- So why would you want to keep experiencing a fear-based life? Put an end to it by replacing fear with love. Be aware in the present moment, and choose/intend to embody love, awaken, serve the Oneness of Life all around you, and begin to create and experience Heaven on Earth right now.