What does “being spiritual” mean to you? It’s kind of a mysterious thing…
If you asked 10 different people what being spiritual means to them, you would probably get 10 very different answers.
I think for most people it’s about being connected to or guided by God or a higher power. I think many people want to feel good about themselves and feel that they are living the “right way” according to spiritual principles.
So, when someone recently asked me how they can be more spiritual, I had to pause a moment and think about how, out of numerous ways of answering the question, I could give them the most helpful answer. And here is what I replied and what I would say to you…
Ultimately, the best way to be spiritual is to learn to live more consciously. But that is somewhat vague, complex, and requires time to master.
Instead, you can begin by focusing on love… Learn to be more loving, and learn to love yourself and all of life.
Now here’s the thing. I’m not talking about the emotion of love and loving another person. I’m talking about the state of awareness of love, the state of being love itself. It is about being open and accepting and appreciating yourself, the world, and the flow of life itself.
Regardless of how many things you would like to change about yourself and the world, you must begin by accepting yourself as you are and the world as it is right now. Certainly, you can desire and support innumerable changes to occur in the future.
But you will allow your awareness and state of being to shift only by acceptance in this moment. Resistance is fighting what is; it holds you back. Acceptance allows you to move forward; it allows you to shift to a higher awareness or perspective such that you see yourself and the world differently.
And intending love produces a very positive and powerful state of being within you. You can feel it in your body, and it feels good. Your body is a fantastic feedback mechanism about your state of being if you pay attention to it.
Coming from a position of love feels good because it is one of the highest ways of being in the world.
So if you want to be more spiritual, choose love.