This is a follow-on update to my previous post that responded to a question about evil forces…
I haven’t had direct experience with evil forces, and I don’t think about them much but, based on another reader’s comments, I decided I need to add to this conversation.
Now, although God does not create evil forces, and I’m pretty confident based on God’s answers to me that there is no devil directing evil in the world, unfortunately there is indeed evil and evil forces in the world. People can definitely choose to think and act in evil ways and to be evil in their beliefs and in their very being. Now, in my understanding of the universe, this requires those people to totally block out acknowledgement of and connection to their own soul (which is God stuff), but their soul still exists and waits for the ego-based person to change their mind and wake up.
Furthermore, I know that ghosts exist – because there is so much evidence in photos and videos showing them – and it is my understanding that that happens when people die and, because they have rigidly blocked themselves from spiritual growth and connection, they are stuck in the material world. What is supposed to happen when a person dies is that they move on to the realm of light or pure consciousness and energy (aka heaven). But spiritually-disconnected people can block themselves from that. If those people have also made themselves into evil beings, then they are now evil spirits stuck here in the world among the living. Those evil spirits can possess people who are in a low, negative energy state, and I have seen recent videos that have captured that happening. Quite shocking!
I do NOT believe that evil spirits can possess people who are spiritually strong, and have high spiritual energy and awareness, because that would leave no opening for negative low-energy beings. And in fact, the well-known teacher of Ho’oponopono, Hew Lin, teaches and has demonstrated profoundly that stuck negative beliefs and energy can be shifted to a higher state by other people (like himself or you or I) saying the 4 phrases of Ho’oponopono which are based in love, gratitude, forgiveness, and wholeness with strong positive intentions.
I definitely recommend spiritual growth and being spiritually strong. In fact, strong spiritual energy can clear stuck spiritual energy beings and memories, so those of us who are strong spiritually should intend and send love, gratitude, forgiveness, joy, and wholeness to other people and out into the world at large. In so doing, we can be healers not just of ourselves but of other people and the world itself.
If you have unanswered questions, please post as comments.