Thank you, I love you, thank you

I am sitting here after returning from a week-long vacation in which I went back home to visit family and long-lost acquaintances at a home-town reunion.

And I just want to say “Thank you, I love you” to them all. The power of family, and love, and memories shared is very great indeed. I’m sure you have all heard it many times before, but gratitude is not just a good thing, it is an attitude and an opening of mental doors that can connect you to all the goodness of the Universe. Open your doors with gratitude and let the spirit of inspiration and renewal surround you and fill you!

Gratitude and love are the emotions of spiritual connection and spiritual growth. It is so easy to forget and take things for granted, but we do need to remind ourselves of their power and consciously choose to feel those emotions.

Thank you for being you. I love you. I accept you. I appreciate you just as you are. Thank you.

Make this your prayer for the day each day for a week (or for a year if you dare)! It can be silent, or you can speak it to your loved ones. And you will probably be surprised at how you blossom with new insights into happiness, and at how those around you smile as you bring them spiritual sunshine.


Note – This was previously published on an earlier blog of mine, but it is worth sharing again.

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