Today I received my copies of The Abundance Factor which is a book recently published by Joe Vitale with a bunch of “other leading experts from around the world” as co-authors. Joe wrote the first chapter, and the guest experts each wrote one chapter. This post is my chapter on “The Power of Embracing Life”.
If you want to enjoy life more, and attract abundance into your life, LEARN TO EMBRACE LIFE. If you want to create the life you have been dreaming about, begin by really living it more proactively now, to whatever degree you can. Don’t put it off into the future as most people do – and as I did.
I know of the wisdom of embracing life from firsthand experience, and it’s exciting. It has a power to change one’s life, and it changed mine.
I discovered this secret a half-dozen years ago when I received an inspiration to “Make the choice of life.” It was an invitation to embrace life, and as I began to do that (somewhat clumsily through a process of trial and error) my life began to change slowly and steadily for the better. I eventually changed my mindset to be more success-oriented by learning to be more awake to life itself.
In this chapter, I share some of what I learned about living in a more conscious way, and about the new results that appeared in my life.
But first, what do I mean by “embracing life?” To me, it means to welcome life with open arms, to engage actively in the living of it, and to live in a more vibrant and rewarding way. You embrace life by becoming more conscious of it moment by moment, and by making decisions and choices with more attention and intention based on your desires.
Do you see life as routine, less than exciting, and not living up to what you imagine in your dreams? If so, you are probably taking the passive path to life. And if you are unhappy with your results, then it’s time to change your approach… it’s time for you to stop waiting for life to come to you and, instead, for you to take charge of your life and begin to experience it more consciously, creatively, and abundantly.
Now there is a flow to life, of course, and that is important. When you see your life with greater personal meaning, know your purpose, and guide your life’s direction and flow, it becomes potent and magical.
Even though you may not know it or believe it, the Universe is alive and abundant, and it wants you to have the life you desire. But you must have a mindset – that is, you must think in such a way – in which your thoughts align with and support that dream. Yet for most of us, our mentality is full of beliefs, thoughts, habits, and subconscious programming and influences that run directly counter to that dream.
I found that embracing life is a progressive, stepwise process of changing your mindset – in part, because you must undo your accumulated negative thinking and limiting beliefs. But as you learn to engage in life more and more, you steadily increase your commitment to living life more fully and to achieving results that are important to you. Greater commitment helps you to experience the wonder of life more directly. You come to see yourself and your life with more clarity, you gain more confidence in your abilities, and you grow to feel the joy and power of living your life creatively and focused on your big goals.
Simply put, embracing life helps you gain greater consciousness and understanding of your life, your purpose, and what you value and want – and that mindset helps guide your actions toward producing the results you desire.
Life is grand when you decide that it should be and that it really is for you.
Now, as I look back on my experience, I’ve come to realize that there are at least 10 big benefits that came from embracing life. Moreover, these big benefits unfolded in a progressive sequence over time (with some occurring at almost the same time). I believe it will likely happen for you too, and I’ve learned there are ways to accelerate the process.
In this chapter, I will discuss only the first and most important of these benefits: becoming more aware of the potential and power of life. In other words:
You Become More Conscious of Life and Its Abundance and Possibilities
When you make the decision to embrace life, you are choosing to be more aware and attentive to life as you experience it. And as you become more conscious of your experience of life, you will become more aware of its expansive and flowing nature, its innate abundance, and its infinite possibilities.
I am describing to you what I experienced in making “the choice of life.” I was already familiar with the concept of conscious choice making, and I began to put it into practice regularly – daily, and eventually throughout the day – and my results changed, sometimes dramatically.
At first, I primarily felt a unity with nature, expansiveness and freedom, and awareness of unlimited possibilities. I still feel those things, but now I feel a very powerful flow engulfing me, and I feel my consciousness expanding as part of a much greater consciousness (that of Life itself), which is always in the process of creation.
Now I want you to be clear that “embracing life” is not simply about having a passing idea that it might be good to pay attention to life more. It really takes a commitment by you to live your life in a more conscious and participatory way – to live life whole-heartedly. And that becomes easy to do when you see that there are great benefits to be gained by actively being open and responsive to the possibilities that life offers you.
I’m also not talking about hedonism, which is a very selfish and often excessive pursuit of pleasure. Rather, I am suggesting an open, expanded, connected, and caring approach to being in the flow of life, conscious not just of yourself, but of others and of the larger world all around you. It is choosing to live more consciously and becoming part of the larger whole of life. And that does not happen overnight… It is process of change that takes attention, practice, and time.
As I became more conscious of the interconnectedness, abundance, and flow of life, my life took on new meaning and became much more rewarding in what I experienced every single day – and even moment by moment. I became more attuned to what I was experiencing. And as my perspectives changed, I began to participate more effectively in all aspects of living, with the following results:
- Better relationships with my wife, family, and people I interact with in my work
- Greater creativity expressed more easily and quickly
- More success and happiness in my work
- Increasing income and unexpected chunks of money
- Seeing opportunities to serve others
- Having more fun and greater happiness
- And the simple joy of being alive
When you learn to embrace life, I know that you too will become more conscious of its power, abundance, infinite possibilities, and that you will experience the joy that comes from living life more fully.
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