What Does Success Mean to You?

What does the word “success” mean to you?

Most people would probably define success in terms of financial success, business success, or fame. You are successful in other words if you have a good job, make a lot of money, have accumulated wealth, are famous, or at least, are known as being “successful” among people who matter. These are all common ways of thinking about success.

Another definition of success could be stated as “having an abundance of all good things in your life”.  Good things, of course, include money and doing well in your work – but how about health, time, knowledge, love, and freedom (to name just a few)? If you value health, love, and freedom as much as money, then this is probably an even better way to think about what success is.

But success is relative… Your idea of what success is may be very different than another person’s idea of what it is.  So I think a better definition is this:

Success is the experience of the feelings, things, and results in yourself and your life that you want and choose.

In other words, success is experienced by you and must be defined by you.  And, that is the reason I use the term “personal success” – not to mean your success as judged by others, but your success as experienced and judged by you!

You might be experiencing the lack of success in your work, or lack of money, lack of personal love relationships, lack of health, lack of happiness, or all of those things.  You might feel that the world is totally unfair and that you have no control over your outcomes.

At one point I was experiencing the “lacks” in my own life, which included the lack of work that I could enjoy and be successful at, and an associated lack of money, a lack of peace (especially not feeling a sense of “ease” and comfort in the flow of my life), and probably most importantly, a resultant unhappiness with myself and the world.  And fortunately, several synchronicities occurred that prompted me to look within at how much I was unwittingly the cause of the very lacks I was experiencing.

I suddenly realized one day that the Universe is totally wholistic, creative, Self-assertive, and Self-loving, and therefore, I needed to change how I thought about life.  To bring the things I wanted into my life, I needed to change my consciousness because it is through our consciousness that we relate to the larger Universe as a whole.  In other words, to change our inner experience and outer physical results, we must change our inner awareness and choices.

Now one thing I must point out is that making spiritual (fundamental) choices requires that you choose what is important to you and what you want – and in so doing, you choose what success means for you.

So at that point in my life, I began to focus on spiritual choices and what I wanted, and very quickly my life began to turn around.  Since that time, I have experienced personal success in all the ways I define it, and now I feel a strong sense of purpose, wholeness, and joy.  And my personal spiritual practice evolved into a personal success program and book called Seven Spiritual Choices for Success and a related program called the Law of Wholeness Personal Success Program.  But the changes in my life came about because of what I discovered about consciousness and spiritual choices.

So decide what success means to you – that is, decide what you want in your life and why.  Begin to choose the things that you want, and the more fundamental (i.e., spiritual), the better.  Freedom is more fundamental (spiritual) than money.  Awareness is more fundamental (spiritual) than being smart.  Life and health are more fundamental than wealth.  Love is more fundamental than good looks or who you know.

When you have decided what success means to you, begin making spiritual choices and acting in line with those choices and with the Law of Wholeness.  And always choose to have those fundamental things be true for you Now.  Those intentions and actions will work rapidly to bring about the desired changes in yourself and your life.

May wholeness and abundance be yours now!

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