Wisdom Thoughts #210 – The Power of Awareness

active, healthy, happy

There is great power in becoming more aware, and it goes hand-in-hand with conscious choice-making…

When you become aware of your thoughts and emotions, you can discover that negative thoughts are creating negative emotions in you and unhealthiness in your body. You might be upset, angry, depressed, uncertain, disempowered. And once you are consciously aware of that, you can choose instead to hold positive thoughts or images which make you feel calm, peaceful, alive, confident, empowered. If you do not feel good physically or are low in energy, you can instead choose to feel good and energized. You can choose to feel creative, abundant, and whole instead of uninspired, lacking, and fragmented…

BUT FIRST, YOU MUST BECOME AWARE of your current state of being so that you can shift into a better state of being.

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