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Spiritual Podcaster, Wayshower, Voice for Love, Folk Singer, and Occasional Blogger

The fastest and easiest path to major spiritual breakthroughs is by the BIG vibrational increase you'll experience with high-energy crystal pendants.

~ Raymond Posch

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You Get More of Who You Are, Not What You Want

You Have the Power to Create Heaven on Earth Within You, and It is Life Changing!


Contrary to popular belief

Some people think that being spiritual and being practical are two totally different things, but that simply is not true. Over the years, I learned that as a person grows spiritually it can enable wonderful life changes in all aspects, including success and abundance – and that's because your spiritual self is the core of who you really are.

Hi, I’m Raymond Posch, and I am a long-time spiritual explorer, blogger, author, and podcaster. I am someone who has been a seeker of greater wisdom and the experience of being in touch with my true self and knowing my true purpose in my life on Earth.

I've learned much and grown personally and spiritually, and I have had insights, expanded energy, and awakenings. I am living from a place of love and peace. But, it's definitely NOT all been easy. Spiritual development has it's ups and downs, and like many (or most) spiritual seekers, I've had long periods in which I have struggled, feeling lost or disconnected from divine spirit, or feeling like I'm not really growing at all – stuck in a holding pattern. 

But when you seek out inspiration and stay in a practice of becoming more loving and more aware, especially focusing on your inner self, you will have big breakthroughs in how you experience life. And if you want to have a bigger, grander, more expanded life, you must create that experience inside yourself first. Whenever you reach higher levels of awareness, or even when you develop or improve your spiritual self in smaller ways, you automatically improve your practical self because it makes you better in your approach to life, in all of your relationships, in your creativity, in enjoying life, and in being more successful in the art of living.

It is absolutely vital to desire to grow your life, expand your life and your happiness, in both the spiritual and practical aspects. I personally do that independent of any religion or specific spiritual practice, although I have definitely learned much from a number of different teachers who focused on different skills and ways of being. Everyone is on their own path, and every path is unique to the individual.

One of the amazing things I've learned is that spiritual awakening does not have to be a long, drawn-out process. You can actually awaken quickly and easily. And that awakening can give you a powerful shift in understanding that can change your life in an instant! Of course, there will always be new insights to be gained and higher levels of consciousness to be attained. And expanded awareness always gives us more that we can experience in life.

In everything I do, I am a voice for love, awakening, and wholeness because I've learned that turning away from fear (and the separation that causes it) and turning instead to expanding love and oneness is key to individual awakening and the collective evolution of mankind. I also am a folk singer, primarily for seniors in senior living facilities, because I want to share with them the joys of love and music - especially old songs they remember from their youth.

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